Viewing Upcoming Elections in the County in Which the Voter is Eligible to Vote

Elections are divided into two groups—Upcoming Elections followed by Previous Elections—and within groups elections are shown in ascending order by election date. To view the upcoming elections, click the Upcoming Elections tab in the ribbon bar. It also provides polling place information and lists upcoming elections in which the voter is eligible.

On the Upcoming Elections tab, the election whose date is closest in the future tops the list. On Election Day, the current election appears in the Upcoming Elections list. Each election is shown in a box along with pertinent dates (election day, book closing, etc.) and information on the voter’s polling place for that election.

Mail ballot status information for an election appears in a progress bar format with clear messaging to help voters understand their ballot status.

This information is displayed on the Voter's My Information tab, under Current Elections 55 days before an election. Prior to that, this information appears on the Upcoming Elections tab.